Great news for those who've missed this show at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum: Bob Evans' and Andrew J. Mc Mullen's exceptional photographic underwater exploration of Santa Barbara Channel marine life has been extended to May 19th. Shot by Bob and Andrew from 1974 to 1981, a period where the marine life developed beneath the offshore oil platforms, it's a rhapsodic and exhilarating look at ocean life. Bob Evans and his partner Susanne Chess (who owns Fine Fabrics on State Street) are good friends of ours -- wonderfully inventive, creative, innovative thinkers. Bob's own visionary spirit (he designed the Force Fin) shines through this selection of 26 photos from a vast collection on the subject.
Bob's offered to take people on a guided tour led by him and I guarantee it'll be a wonderful chance to talk with him both about the past and the future of marine life in the Channel and the fate of the offshore oil platforms. He's also created images for the show of what could be alternative possibilities for the platforms.
Those interested in the tour should contact Susanne to schedule a guided tour: susannechess at Or you can see the show on your own. check here for museum hours.
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