Sex Scenes: The Plays
"Sex Scenes" is a series of x-rated, comic plays co-written by me and my husband, Ray Sawhill. Conceived as a cross between a raunchy HBO series and an old fashioned radio play, there are 17 "Sex Scenes" plays in all. For performance rights, contact us here. To learn more about "Sex Scenes" read below or visit the official website here.
THE PLAYS: "Sex Scenes" was designed to be performed either as on ongoing series -- or a selection of the plays can be performed for one-night only. The plays do not have to be performed in sequence in order to be enjoyed and they can be performed in any combination.
STAGING: "Sex Scenes" is a crowd pleasing erotic comedy and can be done on the lowest of theater budgets in a variety of venues. "Sex Scenes" can be performed simply by actors reading the plays.

THE STORY: "Sex Scenes" is a comedy-drama about Kati Paxton, a young female filmmaker whose dreams is to make an arty and erotic mainstream movie in the context of today's cautious corporate showbiz world. It's about Kati's quest; it's about how Kati's efforts affect her own romantic and sex life; and it's about how her efforts affect the lives of her friends, colleagues and enemies. Full of big laughs, twisty storylines, and memorable characters, "Sex Scenes" combines the sophisticated and the lowdown into one memorable comic rollercoaster ride.
THE BACKGROUND: Working with many great actors, Polly Frost and Ray Sawhill wrote and developed the stories in "Sex Scenes" from 2005-2008 in live performances, first in New York City and then in clubs around the country. In New York, "Sex Scenes" was a regular feature at the Cornelia Street Cafe, where "The Vagina Monologues" was first developed, and where we hosted sold-out crowds.
Polly and Ray worked with some of the best young NYC actors in these live performances of "Sex Scenes." You can view the photo album "Live in NYC" here.
In 2007, Polly and Ray took the collection on the road to Phoenix, Austin, Chicago, Albany, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, casting local actors in each city. In each city, audiences demonstrated a big appetite for popular yet thought-provoking fiction enacted by hot and funny actors. The local press was very generous to "Sex Scenes." Write-ups appeared in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Chicago Reader, the Phoenix New Times, The Santa Barbara Independent and UR Chicago. You can see the photo album "On the Road" here.